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Waterfall is the most decentralized BlockDAG protocol currentl | The Jenus - Crypto Signals

Waterfall is the most decentralized BlockDAG protocol currently available

Key Features:

This decentralized platform has the potential to attract much more validators than other protocols.
Minimal hardware requirements: Dual-Core CPU, 4GB RAM (your cellphone has 2-4 times more than that).
High performance and scalability, thanks to parallelism in BlockDAG compared or even higher potentially that the most scalable currently popular protocols
Compatible with EVM and Ethereum API.

The team includes senior people who were successfully building the ecosystem for Ethereum and those who were successfully competing against it:

Ron Resnick is the CEO of the company-developer of Waterfall, is also a former Executive Director of Enterprise Ethereum Alliance and a former Investment Director of Intel Capital.

Jeff McDonald is the Director at the Board of Directors for Swiss Association, is also a Former Co-Founder of Nem, which used to be in Top-5 and for a short time in Top-3 right after Ethereum.

The Chairman of Board of Swiss Association is Richard Wang, who is also General Partner at Draper Dragon Fund.

R&D team has been rigorously testing technology since 2021.

More than 350 Workers(block producers) on the TestNet are owned by the developers and future users of Waterfall.

On the first day after the new TestNet announcement, 115 Workers connected and more than 450 000 transactions were processed.

On January the 2nd more than 650 000 transactions was successfully processed.

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