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Cheelee: GameFi short video platform. Watch. Play. Earn. Chee | Bitcoin Industry

Cheelee: GameFi short video platform. Watch. Play. Earn.

Cheelee is the first GameFi short video platform where the user can make money while viewing the feed. Upon registration of your in-app wallet, you receive special NFT glasses, and you can start making money.

The mechanics are based on the Attention Economy model, where user’s attention is treated as a commodity for which social networks begin to pay. I looked into WP and got to the point.

Let’s take a look at some of the highlights:
1. A sustainable financial model. An extremely important indicator in the current market.

Cheelee is a social network, whose revenue is by 30% provided by advertising, in-game purchases and collaborations with brands, while for most m2e projects this figure is no more than just 1%.

2. The project is focused on a wide audience of social networks, it is 4.6 billion people, and plans to reach the 1st billion in the next 4 years.

3. The Cheelee social network was not created from scratch. There are almost three years of development behind it, 100+ team members, experience and continuity in the form of NUTSon social network with more than 1.5M uploads.

4. Free project entry. You do not need to spend hundreds and thousands of dollars to become a member of Cheelee, you just need to sign-up and start using the app.

5. You can earn without changing any of your habits. Just scroll through the feed, watch videos and get tokens.

All this sounds cool, but what about the prospects for the token price?

The emission of tokens is limited. There is a deflationary economic model, while the complexity of the mining will increase.

To support the token rates (there will be two CHEEL and LEE), the project has a Stability Fund, where up to 100% of profits from NFT sales and in-app transactions and 70% of advertising revenue, in-game purchases and collaboration with brands will be donated.

Now there is a chance to get WL and take a part in the giveaway of 50 000$!!!