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StellarElite Coin (STL Token) launches an open innovation plat | Bitcoin Industry

StellarElite Coin (STL Token) launches an open innovation platform that sets out to transform the crypto industry by giving back while creating a coin that benefits its holders

StellarElite Coin (SLT) is a BEP20 token issued on the Binance Smart Chain on a mission to the moon. Each time an SLT coin is traded, a charity is receiving donations and your wallet is eternally self-renewing.

SLT was created to restore the original SLT protocol, keep it stable and enable it to massively scale. Unlike other Bitcoin projects, only BitcoinSLT has the plan for a stable protocol and plan for massive on-chain scaling to become the world’s new money and the global public blockchain for enterprise. This is critical to ignite the future of bCommerce and create a profitable ecosystem for all Bitcoin industry participants. Earn STL by simply being involved in the community.

To learn more about StellarElite Coin, STL, how to buy and HODL STL, and anything else you are curious about, join our Telegram community and share your thoughts and questions.

StellarElite coin website

A fuel of its ecosystem that sets to transform the crypto industry by giving back while creating a coin that benefits its holders