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Join BFG Farming Season on BetFury | Bitcoin News

Join BFG Farming
Season on BetFury
APR starts from 1 524 239%

BFG is the unified token of BetFury platform launched on BSC network.

Obtain BFG in 2 ways:
Play games on BetFury and mine tokens
Buy or exchange tokens on Biswap DEX

Grow high BFG yields!

Use BSC network wallet for Farming
Place BFG into the Farming pool
Keep BFG farmed and accumulate more yield
Harvest or Compound your yields any time

Use more BFG opportunities:

Staking - Hodl BFG tokens on BetFury and receive a part of the platform's profit from the Staking pool.
Playing Games - BFG token is available for making bets while playing In-House games.
Exchanging - buy, sell, exchange BFG into other cryptos on Biswap.