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So far it protected 100% from the wrong trades and it gave 80% | Blockchain Whispers ® Official (By D Man) -- The Most Amazing Crypto Channel Ever Created By Mankind!

So far it protected 100% from the wrong trades and it gave 80% of earning opportunities. I know these numbers are unsustainable... eventually there will be a wrong read... however, statistically, giving the fact I have really good edge on macro, and that I was able to pull some record numbers on short term trades... I think it could continue with this streak for quite some time... until the black swan or the natural event happens or a moment of wrong focus or read.

Obviously, no guarantees or anything, but my past performance is good enough conviction for you to obviously realize the huge edge D Man's reports have.

Today's tip is: consider under risking, and riding your trades for way longer. Bottom like is brighter, stress is lesser... and the time freedom is greater.

D Man loves you!
Blockchain Whispers baby!