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Just ask yourself, who else would decide not to sell but the g | Blockchain Whispers ® Official (By D Man) -- The Most Amazing Crypto Channel Ever Created By Mankind!

Just ask yourself, who else would decide not to sell but the guy you trust the most in crypto?

Fuck money, brothers above chicks even, not just coins...

When I have something good, I sell it. When I confidently believe I give you at least 3-5x the value in return. That's why for me, if you can afford it, every BCW product is a no brainer... insta-get.

I hope this banking, stocks, monetary update gives you some confidence.... and you find it valuable...

Oh yes... I remember what I wanted to share.

There is a chance if Ukraine makes a deal with Russia on demilitarization that NATO directly gets involved directly is said to a reputable source by a reputable source from NATO. Note, these things are not necessarily secrets, just they will never be published on the mass media, and for us ordinary folks are harder to find. I don't like it, as much as you don't... but I share as I found out about it just so we can think and wonder wtf if anything we can do to prepare better.

Why did I end up with bad news?

Fuck, I shared the good news when everyone thought is a doomsday of finances... and only to fuck up because attention jumping me wants to share every bit of edge no matter how unsorted with you. The source in this matter I find 90% credible has both the knowledge, the resources and proven (as a FACT) contacts. So the info shared could be truly the NATO working scenario (does not have to happen or get to that or execute when the time comes to it, but interesting to know what the guys who actually know something talk about while serving the mass media one story)...

Fuck, sorry, now post ends up on a bad note... well, fuck it, think of the banks not collapsing and only you knowing about it :)
