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Dear BullNation! We are pleased to announce the successful | BSCWIN Bulls Announcement Channel

Dear BullNation!

We are pleased to announce the successful sale of BAP #3260 & 3,600 $METH Tokens

Sale details
BAP #3260 - 1.4 ETH
3,600 $METH Tokens - 0.36 ETH

Total ETH acquired 1.76 ETH

DAO Wallet, etherscan link :

Investment Overview
06/03/2022, we minted 3 BAPs for a total of 0.51ETH +Gas (#3258, #3259, #3260) after a successful proposal.

Fast forward 7 months (today). The BAP Floor Price has risen to 1 ETH. We accumulated a nice sum of $METH Tokens, through the daily passive income from the BAPs we held (total of 5,400) which we sold.
Each BAP held 1,800 tokens. BAP #3260 was sold WITH the Tokens attached which allowed us the maximize our profit margins.

The BSCWIN DAO still holds BAP NFTs #3258 & #3259. As this allows us to earn another form of passive income, which we can cash in on as & when the DAO feels is nessacary.

Our primary goal has been to expand the DAOs treasury funds. To allow us to develop & market our project without limitations.

In the coming days, a snapshot proposal will be posted, in regards to how we handle the ETH, we acquired from the BAP & $METH Tokens sale.

The DAO should be extremely proud of what they have achieved through this investment

We are fully aware of people's concerns in regards to the direction this project is going & our keen for updates. We are as transparent as we can be.

Brief update, things have been slow we can or will not hide that. This should be understandable given the festive period & the extortionate jump in the cost of living. The DAO Core are just ordinary investors like each & every one of you. We have families to provide for & food to put on the table. Which is earnt from our day-to-day jobs.

We speak with each other daily about how we can take this project forward. A new roadmap has been prepared to await final adjustments. NFT Artist is working away on our new collection. We still need to arrange a call with the Dev we have lined up.

Plenty to do still, but we aren't a million miles away. Our promise to you since the transition from the old team is we will get BSCWIN Bulls to where it should be! WAGMI

Have a fantastic week Bulls!