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It's been a few days since the testnet started. The core team | Cherry Announcements

It's been a few days since the testnet started. The core team has been overwhelmed by positive responses and feedback, and so far the Cherry Chain has performed even better than expected. We hope to release a summary of some of its achievements as soon as a higher degree of stability is reached.

First of all, thank you to everyone who spent time to download and run a node in these earliest days of the Cherry Testnet. You are pioneers, helping us advance the technology that is at the core of the Cherry Project. However small an action, running those 3-4 lines of terminal commands has an immeasurable rippling effect that guarantees a scalable, secure platform for the millions of nodes yet to come.

Please continue to use the channel #testnet on the Cherry Discord ( to share findings, concerns, bug reports, and feature suggestions.

On to the business at hand:
The core team has identified an issue that requires the blockchain to be restarted.

At 4 PM UTC today the Cherry testnet's blockchain will reset and a new one will be started.

For that reason all peers will have to
1. delete the Cherry-Node folder and the files it contains;
2. download the latest Node code (
3. and start the new node with the provided script in /scripts/