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​​#SafeMoon News, May 1 - 2022 Mandala finally releases a dat | CryptoAddicted

​​#SafeMoon News, May 1 - 2022

Mandala finally releases a date for SafeMoon listing. According to a tweet shared by the official Mandala Twitter handle, SafeMoon will go live for trading on Mandala on May 10, at 2 am UTC with fees as low as 0.65%.

That said, John Karony was invited to a conference, Fund Live, at Las Vegas. According to the SafeMoon chief, it was a great experience and the event was even better attended than the organizers initially expected.

Karony spoke about SafeMoon’s venture philanthropy mode of business, explaining to listeners that “Return on Investment” and “Return on Impact” both live symbiotically at SafeMoon.

In other news, a certain SafeMoon user pointed out some pretty insane similarities between SafeMoon’s and Cardano’s chart patterns.

All things being considered, these similarities give SafeMoon holders a reason to be patient and confident in the token. If both digital assets are behaving similarly on the charts, then this bodes well for SafeMoon’s future as a token, considering Cardano’s history and prospects.

Away from that, a senior mod in the SafeMoon Discord recently disclosed that the projects talked about by SafeMoon devs are actually still in development.

Contrary to what the rumor mongers say, none of the projects has been canceled. They are just temporarily delayed due to technical glitches. As the mod said, worry when projects are canceled, not when they are delayed.

That said, Elon Musk has bought Twitter and is now making sweeping reforms to the platform.

Among his agenda for the platform is to allow subscription fees for Twitter Blue, Twitter’s subscription service, to be paid for in crypto. This could be an opening for Twitter to add support for SafeMoon on its platform, which would blow up SafeMoon’s valuation radically.

Finally, we have some bitter-sweet news from the Mooncraft devs. The Mooncraft team has decided that now is the best time to advance to another level of their gameplan. For this reason, they will be shutting down the Minecraft servers.

However, all files, code, and configurations of MoonCraft have been gifted to the community, and anyone who wishes to build on it is absolutely welcome.