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Argentina to Settle Chinese Imports in Yuan to Safeguard Dwind | Crypto California Club

Argentina to Settle Chinese Imports in Yuan to Safeguard Dwindling Dollar Reserves

The economy minister of Argentina, Sergio Massa, announced that starting this month, payments for imports coming from China will be settled using the Chinese yuan. The agreement, which will allow the country to safeguard its dwindling dollar reserves, involves the disbursement of more than $1 billion in April.

China is currently Argentina’s international partner, and this move will ostensibly allow the country to lessen the weight of imports on the weakened state of Argentine reserves.

The Chinese concession given to Argentina by Chinese President Xi Jinping allows the central bank to focus its attention on the devaluation and inflation spiral Argentina is currently experiencing by injecting resources to stabilize its fiat exchange rate, which reached record lows last week against the U.S. dollar.

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