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Head Chef Sushiswap Announcing Redesign The Tokenomics To Revi | • CRYPTO NEWS • #BTC • #ETH •

Head Chef Sushiswap Announcing Redesign The Tokenomics To Revive The Protocol

“Head Chef” of the decentralized exchange Sushiswap, Jared Grey, suggested altering the tokenomics of the exchange in an effort to revive the protocol after a tough year. According to Grey, Sushiswap presently has a runway of just 1.5 years. The proposal lists four significant modifications to the tokenomics of the protocol. One of the most significant suggested modifications is that staked sushi (xSushi) would no longer get trading fee income incentives, but rather emission-based benefits paid out in sushi. The liquidity providers of trading pools with the highest volume will earn the bulk of swap fees, as well as increased benefits based on a new time-lock implementation that they can opt into.

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