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SHINY INU Shiny Inu is a newly released token. Born on the 1s | 🚀 Crypto Advisor 🚀


Shiny Inu is a newly released token. Born on the 1st day of the year Shiny Inu has quickly been releasing its own crypto space. ShinyInu.com was created to help the cryptocurrency community by having its own Decentralized Exchange along side detailed information on the Defi space including buying selling and finding and vetting new tokens.

Website Launched: shinyinu.com (http://shinyinu.com/)

SHINYSWAP EXCHANGE NOW LIVE: shinyswap.org (http://shinyswap.org/)

Roadmap and Whitepapers listed on website

Contract: https://bscscan.com/token/0xc85f212ef60a3c1ffab00f64c953e9e89878334e

Telegram: Https://www.t.me/shinyinu (Updates on the project posted frequently here)

Mobile Game Releasing: 2/28/22 (Telegram for updates)

NFT Releases: Opensea Shinyinu

NFT Holder Reward program info at shinyinu.com/giveaway

We donate to charities for every holder goal met. The most recent was to Dogs For Better Lives(Telegram For Proof)

Transaction Tax: 3% ( 1% Distributed by the holders / 2% goes back into liquidity)

Shiny Inu has a charity roadmap and the tokens charity is focusing on animal charities. Charities being donated to will be Dogs For Better Lives / RSPCA / and Freedom Service Dogs

Low Market Cap: $6,000

Total Supply: 50,000,000

Percent of tokens currently in liquidity: 60+%

Liquidity Locked: https://deeplock.io/lock/0x4E0e5A08C76cF2c4a346B50eA533738B76529983