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This is Lizet speaking. It was chaos when we had 500,000+ requ | CryptoShips Announcement

This is Lizet speaking. It was chaos when we had 500,000+ requests on the opening time. If you remember what happed with private sale v1, you'll know that there were only 50,000+ requests and our servers couldn't handle back then, we upgraded all of them to dedicated servers with more powerful hardware but 500,000 simply only appears in our wildest dreams.

What's next? We will be buying a few Lambos comparing our recorded data with BSCScan data and filter our successful and failed transactions once again. Keep in mind that if you don't see our success notification (big orange box with white text, not BSC notification), your transaction will be considered as failed and will be refunded. We're going to manually refunding about 6,000+ transactions with a total value of 1,000,000,000+ 1,000,000+ $BUSD over the next 3-4 days. Why 3-4 days? We do it manually and we're human.

Once the sale ends (or all boxes are sold out), we will publish a complete sheet of wallet address, transaction id and refund tx for transparency.

What about those who purchased in the very first seconds but their transactions were considered as failed? Besides refunding them and adding 1 $BUSD to compensate the gas fee, we will give them a guaranteed allocation in our IDO.

We thank you for your support. Welcome aboard!

CryptoShips Team