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Helena Financial | 1,000,365% APY in Genesis Period | Launched | Custom Price Bots by Richard

Helena Financial | 1,000,365% APY in Genesis Period | Launched 09 April | CMC Listed

Together with the Assure DeFi KYC and CertiK Audit, Helena Financial pays $HELENA holders a proper return of up to 1,000,365% APY in Genesis Period. The Only "DAO Governed" APY Protocol in BSC with first-in--space offerings like Auction Bonding and Golden Epochs, aiming to sustain strong treasury - long-term stable protocol.

Discover the Growth Phase with "1,000,365%" APY in Genesis Period
Very Strong Liquidity/mCAP Rate
KYC by AssureDefi & AUDIT by CertiK
No Mint Code & No Team Tokens
Known Team in DEFI Space

Coming on May - "Auction Bonding" - Fast-paced, very low fees, boosting treasury
Coming Soon - "NFT Zone" - Treasury Income
Coming Soon - "Club House" - More Treasury Income

LINKTREE: https://linktr.ee/helenafinancial
COMMUNITY: https://t.me/helenafinancial/11920
CHART: https://poocoin.app/tokens/0xe350b08079f9523b24029b838184f177baf961ff

HELENA FINANCIAL - Earn Passive-income on Autopilot