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Global Off-Chain Computation Via Cartesi Smart Contracts For T | ElrondNetwork - Announcements

Global Off-Chain Computation Via Cartesi Smart Contracts For The Elrond Mainnet

Blockchain adoption happens through applications built to integrate the technology in a compelling way. The vast ecosystem emerging through experimentation with specific blockchain programming languages and their custom tools shows the immense potential for global adoption.

This is why we are excited to announce that developers everywhere will be able to leverage the familiar tools from Linux, the world’s prevailing OS, to unleash massive off-chain computational capabilities for Elrond smart contracts at an internet-scale.

Our WASM VM is perhaps the fastest in the space and provides throughput for smart contracts at an internet-scale. By adding massive off-chain execution power via Cartesi & Linux tools, decentralization will be able to pierce through its current computational barriers and unlock blockchain’s potential at a truly global level.” said Beniamin Mincu, Elrond CEO.

The integration is important for the Elrond Network because it adds a complementary layer of computational power to the high transactional throughput capabilities of our mainnet and expands Elrond use cases further into performance demanding enterprise use-cases.

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