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ECC Is LIVE On Pancake Swap Now Hi ECC Community We are | Etherconnect official channel

ECC Is LIVE On Pancake Swap Now

Hi ECC Community

We are excited to announce that we have officially launched trading on pancake swap with 30,900 ECC tokens and 150 BNB Liquidity Pool

The trading has been launched at price of $2 and because of the extreme demand in the open markets for ECC , we do expect the token price to start climbing up shortly once this update is made public

So Act FAST and Grab some ECC tokens from Pancake Swap also and start trading and enjoying the flawless expierence

The tokens being traded on pancakeswap are 100 % liquid and you can buy/sell them anytime

You can see all live trades here on poocoin and dextools + Token details on BSCScan

You can add ECC token on pancake swap by choosing the option of adding custom tokens and entering this information

Token Ofifcial Smart Contract Address :


Token Symbol : ECC

Decimal Digits : 8

We encourage all of you to participate in trading with small amounts and have a flawless experience

Also you can start earning passive income by providing liquidity for BNB-ECC pair

Here is a quick tutorial on how to do that

This will have you start making a small % of every single transaction happening on BNB-ECC pair inside pancake swap i.e every time someone buys ECC or sell ECC against BNB - you will earn a tiny percentage :-)

Passive income at its best

So kindly spread the word and lets get ready for an amazing 2021 with ECC

Team ECC

P.S Other Important Pointers

1) Withdrawls have been currently paused inside ECC for next 72 hours to make the whole withdrawl system migrate from ETH to BSC Chain and will be enabled moment migration is complete

Once this is done you will be able to withdraw your ECC tokens from your backoffice directly in your BSC wallets and trade them on pancake swap

2) All current ECC tokens have been sold out due to extreme activity recently in last few weeks and in order for the community driven business model to continue , we have enhanced the supply to 1 Billion tokens so that the business model can continue for years

20 % of the tokens are reserved by the team for project development and rest 80 % are used for ICO , staking rewards and affiliate income

3) Starting tomorrow we will be moving to a flat 10 % monthly incentive rewards model structure where you will be paid daily in ECC tokens based on total number of coins staked in backoffice

This staking and affiliate reward structure will always be adjusted based on number of tokens available in staking wallets

4) Also you will be able to stake ECC tokens bought directly on pancake swap inside ECC backoffice for staking rewards and affiliate income which drives the value of ECC tokens in long term up , up and up :)

We are moving closer and closer to establishing ECC as governance coin for this entire ecosystem and this is just another big step

Next in line is PandaInu CMC listing , rollout of DEX for EIFI AMM Dex , PandaInu limited NFT Collection launch and so on !

Stay tuned and enjoy happy trading

Here are details again

Token Ofifcial Smart Contract Address :


Token Symbol : ECC

Decimal Digits : 8

Here's a tutorial video on how to add a custom token in pankcake swap

If You Are Trading ECC Tokens Now On pancake swap , say a big YES :)

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