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Withdrawls Are Happening Every Few Seconds System Is Work | Etherconnect official channel

Withdrawls Are Happening Every Few Seconds

System Is Working 100 % Perfect For ECC Withdrawls

Note : Last Date For ECC Withdrawls Is 10th Jan , 2022

Kindly make sure to withdraw 100 % of your tokens ( staked and earned ) from available balance and tell your teams to do the same

After 10th January withdrawl function will be disabled and system will move to phase 2 where we prepare for Ebotlaunch , multiple exchange listings and lots of other good stuff

Minimum withdrawl condition of $50 has also been removed

We about to cross 30,000 holders i.e almost 50 % growth in number of holders in last 36 hours alone

This is just the beginning : Soon we will have 50,000 holders and 100,000 holders

Inspite of close to 200 million tokens being released in the market in last 36 hours , token price instead of going down has gone up

This shows that we have the best community ever and together we will cross 10 cents mark , $1 , $10 and even $100 in future

Rome was not built in a day and neither will ECC be but jf you stick with us for next five years you will for sure be more richer than you were when you bought ECC tokens

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