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beFITTER's Mystery Shoe Box: Whitelist Competition of Early Bi | GameFi

beFITTER's Mystery Shoe Box: Whitelist Competition of Early Bird Pool Ends in 24H

This whitelist competition is to pick 500 lucky users to buy Shoe Box in the Early Bird Pool (at a favorable price of 79 BUSD). The competition is about to end in 24 hours! Let's see whether you get these lucky slots or not

Early Bird Pool: https://gamefi.org/ino/befitter-ino-early-bird
Step 1: Connect wallet
Step 2: Click [Join Competition]
Step 3: Complete gleam tasks to apply for 500 Early Bird winner list.

Rules: 500 winners will be randomly picked from:
- Active users list of beFITTER’s alpha test by beFITTER team.
- Whitelist competition registrants list of beFITTER's Early Bird Pool on GameFi.org.

Besides, if you miss the chance to join Early Bird, Public Pool is open for everyone to join: https://gamefi.org/ino/befitter-ino-public

Stay tuned for the sale time to come for beFITTER's Shoe Box!