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Introducing Hydraverse's The Wise Event in Beta Version Goo | Golden defi gains

Introducing Hydraverse's The Wise Event in Beta Version

Good day, civilians!

Since the first launch of the Alpha Version, we have received many feedbacks from our community members about the game. We truly appreciate your attention to our game.

Therefore, we are now asking all The Wise out there to drop constructive comments, suggestions and to share their brilliant ideas for Hydraverse game on new products and developments!

How to join?

Everyone can participate The Wise event by filling in THIS FORM


Hydraverse team will qualify your feedbacks/ideas based on how much we can apply it on our project, then give a suitable reward for each one as follow:

Excellent: $10
Good: $2
Applicable: $1

Hydraland's Wisemen out there, we need your erudition! This is your right as our investors to request and create a game world as you wish and earn yourselves some reward in return. Let's participate and share the total pool up to $10,000!

Detail: https://hydraverse.medium.com/introducing-hydraverses-the-wise-event-in-beta-version-efb6ad42d5f1
Spread the words: https://twitter.com/Hydraverse_io/status/1483667206206803970

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