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Several arguments in favor of the fact that Elon Musk is Satos | hypersonic | Crypto & NFT News

Several arguments in favor of the fact that Elon Musk is Satoshi Nakamoto.

- His email address X (dot) com was on the mailing list where Satoshi also sent the Bitcoin white paper.

- Musk was already working on electronic payments before #Bitcoin (in Paypal)

- By that time; When the first Bitcoin block was generated, Elon Musk was already rich, so there was no need for him to sell any of Satoshi's coin.

- Lived in the Bay Area in the mid-2000s (where Satoshi's IP address was registered)

- Uses double spaces between words in the text, just like Satoshi.

- Bitcoin code is written in C++ (the most powerful programming language owned by Elon Musk)

- meme-like dialect (“retarded” “if you don’t believe me, I don’t have time to convince you”) we see this often in his tweets now.

- Wide range of knowledge (programming, history, economics, incentives, etc.)

- Everything Elon builds (electric cars, brain chips, global satellites) will be necessary for a surveillance state. The only thing missing was connecting the world to a transparent monetary network. (In Bitcoin, all transactions are visible)

- Elon’s son’s name is X Æ A-Xii. Æ = Ash = Ash from the Pokemon called Satoshi in Japanese.

But the strongest point is that all of Musk’s projects were essentially created with money from the US budget and the Department of Defense/Darpa/NSA.

Now live with it.
