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Update of the top of NFT collections. Part 1. 3 former blue c | NFT

Update of the top of NFT collections. Part 1.

3 former blue chips below 3 THE: Doodles, Clones and Moonbirds.

Azuki, hold the bar at 15 eth (4% in the listing). Animeshniki have been through a lot. They didn't break down, but became stronger. As a result, while everyone was falling, they stubbornly kept the floor price, now they are only going up. The collection is tightly squeezed in after the Punks with the IFNS, receives a bronze medal among the zaz collections.

The new meta is as follows:

The first after the great three is the DeGods collection, the min price is 8.7 ETH (2% of the listing). Solanovsky defectors. Created by DeLabs, led by the powerful influencer Frank.

Years are still just getting used to the ethereum hangout. They are getting more and more mentions, the promotion of social networks.networks and attract a large number of infls. According to the 30-day volume at Open Sea, they are on the 6th place - 12 ket. y00ts - the second collection from the Dallas studio, located, however, at the Landfill. When they talk about the power of the community - DeGods are always in the top.

To be continued...