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The Citadel Treaties We are going to invest in several promis | 👑 ITACHI GEM CALLS 👑

The Citadel Treaties

We are going to invest in several promising projects, but in exchange those projects are going to invest in us too.

We are going to make most of our investments RISK FREE, how?

So for instance instead of doing 1ETH buyback, the token we are considering buying will buy 1ETH worth of citadel tokens.

One investment for one investment, so instead of only getting their tokens and taking all the risk for the iron bank, they are gonna give us that money in the form of buys, so we are gonna end up with their tokens + 1eth of citadel buyback instead of only their tokens.

we will have exposure to hundreds of different promising tokens with precisely 0 risk.

in exchange they get exposed to our community and a support from The Great Citadel, and an allocation in The Iron Bank.

and at the same time the citadel will be known to their community, and their token will be known to our community.