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Ethereum's Eco-Win: The Merge Slashes Carbon Footprint Discov | Token Map

Ethereum's Eco-Win: The Merge Slashes Carbon Footprint

Discover how Ethereum's historic Merge has catapulted the network into an eco-friendly future, slashing its carbon footprint by a staggering 99.97%

The Green Leap Forward
Ethereum's Merge has brought a seismic shift in the crypto landscape. The switch from Proof of Work (PoW) to Proof of Stake (PoS) is not just a technical tweak; it's an environmental triumph.

Power-Hungry No More
Gone are the days of Ethereum's energy-guzzling ways. The Cambridge Centre for Alternative Finance (CCAF) reports a jaw-dropping 99.97%%

A Sustainable Future Beckons
With the Merge, Ethereum plants the seeds for a greener, more scalable blockchain. It's a bold move that starkly contrasts Bitcoin's ongoing commitment to PoW, highlighting different community values and priorities.

The Numbers Speak Volumes
The CCAF's findings are crystal clear: Ethereum's carbon emissions have nosedived. This isn't just good news; it's a revolution in the making!