Wintermute-Backed DEX Bebop Launches on Polygon Bebop, a dece | CRYPTOCURRENCY INSIDE TRADING [FREE]

Wintermute-Backed DEX Bebop Launches on Polygon

, a decentralized exchange (DEX) incubated by crypto trading firm Wintermute, has launched on Polygon. Compared to other DEXs, Bebop has the ability to trade a basket of tokens in a single transaction, a feature the project calls its signature “one-to-many” and “many-to-one” trading. Bebop says it chose to launch on Polygon due to the network’s “low fees, high speed and sustainable proof-of-stake model." Bebop first launched on the Ethereum blockchain this past June. By decentralized finance standards, “Polygon fees are negligible, which is paramount for delivering this efficiency to all users, for any transaction size,” said Bebop’s head of product, Katia Banina, in a statement.
