Chainlink to Introduce Staking on Ethereum on December 6 Chai | CRYPTOCURRENCY INSIDE TRADING [FREE]

Chainlink to Introduce Staking on Ethereum on December 6

Chainlink, the leading decentralized blockchain oracle network, has announced that it will be launching its much-anticipated staking initiative on December 6th. It will start with Ethereum – the network the project is built on. following discussions with the community and node operators, the Chainlink team has cut the period to 9-12 months. Chainlink revealed its plans to introduce the staking feature back in June as part of a “new era for the network’s long-term security and economic sustainability.” It has now been announced that staking LINK on Ethereum will being on December 6th.Addresses eligible (determined by on-chain and off-chain activity) for the beta Chainlink Staking (v0.1) will be able to stake up to 7,000 LINK. On December 8th, the staking pool will open to general access for all other LINK holders to participate.
