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News from the NFT world Coinbase finally launches its own N | Cryptocurrencies | NFT

News from the NFT world

Coinbase finally launches its own NFT platform

On March 14, after much promise, cryptocurrency exchange Coinbase revealed on its Twitter account that it is ready to release its own trading platform for NFT. The exchange first disclosed its plans to enter the arena back in October of last year. The news had already caused a real resonance in the NFT community.

To date, Coinbase has already partnered with such popular NFT collections as Adidas, Lazy Lions, CryptoPunks, Doodles, Cool Cats, CryptoKitties and the Bored Apes Yacht Club. Analysts are forecasting $1.26 billion in additional revenue for the exchange from the NFT segment.

Edward Snowden: "Cryptocurrencies are a threat to traditional financial instruments.

Former NSA and CIA official Edward Snowden said in a recent interview that authorities perceive digital assets as an "evolving threat."

Snowden stressed that he considers the position of different countries with regard to cryptocurrencies to be fair. He cited the relative novelty of digital currencies and the difficulty of managing them as reasons for this distrust.

He also noted that cryptocurrencies do not allow regulating private finances and people's lives, while the U.S. financial network works on the "pervasive" principle.

Mark Zuckerberg will make Instagram users happy with unique NFTs

Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg said he intends to add NFT to Instagram. He promised to do so within the next few months.

"It will be possible to add NFT to Instagram, and eventually start producing them in the same environment," Zuckerberg said. What exactly the introduction of NFT to the social network will consist of is not yet clear.

Let me remind you that in 2019, Meta Corporation, led by Mark Zuckerberg, tried to create a stable cryptocurrency "Diem". But, unfortunately, the venture failed miserably.

Forbes will join the NFT universe

Forbes promises to develop its NFT tokens by April of this year.
There is no information yet on where and how they will be available for purchase. But the magazine's editorial staff has already announced that priority seats will be given out for Forbes subscriptions.

It is also known that these NFTs will have their own page on the main magazine website, which will give the owners a certain status in the NFT community.