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Japan Launches Headlong Into Metaverse in Bid To Revitalize Ec | https://t.me/Nfts_Daily

Japan Launches Headlong Into Metaverse in Bid To Revitalize Economy

prime minister of Japan has said the country would prioritize investments in digital technology, including non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and the metaverse, during an annual address to the country’s legislature. Prime Minister Fumio Kishida spoke about the current state of affairs in Japan, from its pandemic response, to how it would cope with rising inflation.

One priority, the prime minister emphasized, would be focusing on supporting the social implementation of digital technology. He added that this would involve promoting the expanded use of Web3 services that utilize the metaverse, and NFTs. Highlighting these efforts, Kishida referenced the “Summer Digiden Koshien 2022,” a competition held last month in which participants competed to solve local challenges using digital technology. Kishida had made Web3 development one of the pillars of the country’s economic revitalization.

