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Task bot is online!! Do tasks and get paid in TRX - The highe | Crypto Mania

Task bot is online!!

Do tasks and get paid in TRX - The highest earning bot!!

Get paid to retweet, follow, share content, upvote, join

Sell your marketing services, upvoting, graphics, any service!

Pay users to do any type of task, get it done quick!!

Simply describe the task, then set payment for each task along with a total budget for the job

Workers will then upload screenshots and proof of work

Task providers check work and confirm payment for good work

Access the bot here - @EarneyTaskBot

Tasks are posted in jobs channel first - https://t.me/earneyjobs

Support / workers channel - https://t.me/earneytaskmanager

Many new tasks will be available soon!!

A giant army of workers ready to work in real time!!