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#Community #XPRT #Wallets Persistence Has Now Hit the Huge Mi | Persistence One Official Announcements

#Community #XPRT #Wallets

Persistence Has Now Hit the Huge Milestone of Over 12,000 Total XPRT Wallet Addresses!

We’re continuing to see rapid growth within the Persistence community and ecosystem, with total wallet addresses now over 12,000 and rising fast!

A large percentage of these wallet addresses are staking XPRT with over 84% of XPRT tokens currently bonded (~93M XPRT).

Make sure you're putting your tokens to use by staking via the Persistence Wallet or AscendEX! APYs as high as 477% are available for providing XPRT liquidity on Osmosis DEX.

Dive into more Persistence-related metrics on Aneka explorer.

With pSTAKE now launched on mainnet and other major initiatives in the pipeline, Persistence’s journey is only just beginning! We’re continuing to push forward on all fronts.

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