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Reached a peak of 431% after our signal, making all our member | Pumps Leaks

Reached a peak of 431% after our signal, making all our members huge profits in one of the highest volume moves we’ve seen in weeks. We managed to break past $1 Million in volume in the first few minutes, reaching 5x from the price our members bought at. Millions of outside traders bought in after noticing our coin becoming a top gainer on Kucoin, which allowed us to gain even a higher volume.

Our whales kept supporting the pump with high volume buy walls and market buying, making sure all our members had time to take profits. We expected to reach a high well above 1,500%, however, we saw a huge influx of coins from the team’s deployer wallet, which they sold on us, preventing higher levels. Regardless, a 431% high wasn’t bad, and we've received hundreds of gratitude messages from our members.

We’re now working on building the strongest and biggest team of whales in the market, and we’ll be announcing something much bigger than we’ve ever seen soon. Stay tuned.