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Delorians, A while ago, Bunny changed their vaults from Ven | Korra Finance Announcement


A while ago, Bunny changed their vaults from Venus and Qubit in their UI, and this change made the APYs on different from the APYs Bunny has on their platform, since each of us were showing a different vault’s APY.

A few minutes ago, we pushed an update to add Qubit vaults to our platform. Those of you who has funds in any of Bunny’s Venus vaults will have the ability to rebalance their assets to the best performing vault.

Important notice – while the old Venus vaults shows 0% APY on our platform, the real APY is higher and the reason we do show it as 0% is to have the platform suggest all of you to rebalance their asset into the new vaults.

Since Bunny Venus vaults are deprecated, we suggest our users to rebalance their funds to the best performing vault.