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TinyHero — The next generation Play-to-Earn NFT gaming on Poly | Shitcoin Presale

TinyHero — The next generation Play-to-Earn NFT gaming on Polygon

Inspired by Tikitoken and Safemoon, which were the ones to bring awareness to RFI and HODL rewards, TinyHero is the first ever PvE and PvE NFT game with auto-reflection and auto-claim protocol on Polygon. Below is our unique redistribution mechanism.

The token contract employs a static rewards system — up to 12% of every transaction will be split into:
4% to be redistributed to holders as MATIC
4% to fuel the liquidity pool exchange growth
2% to be allocated to the Game Treasury.
2% from Sell tx will be burned forever. (only applies for Sell tx. No fee applies for Buy tx)

We created a unique system that auto-claims for every single holder the amount due. We call it the TINY PROTOCOL.
The way it works for holders: You buy TINY tokens and hold them, every 60 minutes you’ll automatically receive $MATIC in your wallet. Not a single action is required.

Tiny Hero is also a blockchain-based real-time PvP game. In a simple term, TinyHero = Axie Infinity + SafeMoon
Simply Play games on TinyHero to Earn $TINY. Hold $TINY to Earn $MATIC

TinyHero Tokenomics :

Network : Polygon Network ERC-20
Ticker : $TINY
Contract address : TBC soon
Decimals : 18
Max Total Supply : 1,000,000,000
Dev Fund : 100,000,000 (10%) (vesting 1 year)
Marketing & Advisor : 100,000,000 (10%) (vesting 1 year)
Game Treasury : 200,000,000 (20%)
IDO : 400,000,000 (40%)
Initial liquidity : 200,000,000 (20%)

IDO and DEX public listing :

Max Total Supply : 1,000,000,000
TOKENS FOR IDO : 400,000,000
Hard Cap : 1M USDC, 50% will be used to add liquidity, 50% to game development and marketing.
IDO Rate : 0.0025 USDC

Watch out for TinyHero IDO & public listing on PolyDEX.fi :

More details on game play, roadmap and IDO plan at our Launch post: https://tinyhero.medium.com/tinyhero-the-next-generation-nft-gaming-on-polygon-a43a0376888c

Follow TinyHero for latest update :

Website : https://TinyHero.io
Telegram : https://t.me/tinydefihero
Telegram Announcements : https://t.me/tinyheroann
Twitter : https://twitter.com/tinydefihero
Medium : https://tinyhero.medium.com
YouTube : https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCndDYCCxk79PuMTKnPFF6vg