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SPONSORED !!! Floki Shiba Launched. Name : Floki Shiba | ShitCoin Whales Community


Floki Shiba Launched.

Name : Floki Shiba
Symbol : FSHIB
Decimals : 9
Total Supply : 100,000,000,000,000,000 FSHIB
Contract : 0x3dab450ee6451762e72647a05a205dd5697c5c2c

Token Info : https://bscscan.com/token/0x3dab450ee6451762e72647a05a205dd5697c5c2c

Where can you find Floki Shiba
Loki Shiba $FSHIB Listed on CoinGecko!
Top 1 voted on Coinsniper exchange all the time

The logo on the trust wallet have been safely censored.
Vote $FSHIB on Dextool: https://www.dextools.io/app/pancakeswap/pair-explorer/0xd3d9b9e4201911f0d0feeceff4128f4d4046784b
In nomics: https://nomics.com/assets/FSHIB2-Floki-Shiba

Join the Floki Shiba community:
Daily Q&A with CEO of Floki Shiba Inu
LP LOCK TOKEN 50% of the total supply —> Check Lock : https://bom.to/ppripjb8qPhmRx
The swap platform was launched in August
HOLD token members are entitled to share 5% of the profit on the total purchase and sale transactions of the whole project, the amount of tokens is burned automatically on each transaction. The Development Team does not own the Token, empowering the community.
Folow Twitter and join the largest telegram channel compared to other projects after only 7 days of announcement
Buy Here: https://exchange.pancakeswap.finance/#/swap?inputCurrency=0x3DAB450ee6451762E72647A05a205dd5697c5C2c
Next target is $100 million in capitalization .

+ Website: https://flokishiba.com
+ Twitter: https://twitter.com/FlokiShibaReal
+ Telegram channel: https://t.me/flokishibainu_channel
+ Telegram Chat: t.me/flokishibareal_chat

Chart : https://poocoin.app/tokens/0x3dab450ee6451762e72647a05a205dd5697c5c2c