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We have decided to separate the TecraCoin ERC20 (TCR) and $TEC | Tecra Announcements

We have decided to separate the TecraCoin ERC20 (TCR) and $TECRA (TECRA) on CoinMarketCap and CoinGecko for your convenience

Why is it necessary?

TecraCoin ERC20
(TCR) and $TECRA (TECRA) are two different coins that are:

Based on different blockchains (Etherum and Tecra 2.0)

Listed on different exchanges

TecraCoin ERC20
(TCR) on Uniswap and Bittrex

$TECRA (TECRA) on HotBit

Have a different max supply, total supply and circulation supply.

Status update

TecraCoin ERC20 (TCR) is already available on CoinMarketCap and will be soon updated on CoinGecko.

- $TECRA (TECRA) will be added to these tools after migration is complete!

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