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US Lawmaker Outlines Priorities to Regulate Crypto and Make Am | ATAF - All True American Friendship 🇺🇸 🤝 🇺🇸 ️🤝 🇺🇸

US Lawmaker Outlines Priorities to Regulate Crypto and Make America the Place for Blockchain Innovation

The chairman of a newly formed digital assets committee, U.S. Congressman French Hill, has outlined some priorities to regulate the crypto sector and ensure America is the place for fintech and blockchain innovation. “We want a regulatory framework that’s transparent for developers, investors, and potential consumers,” the lawmaker emphasized.

We want that technology to be done here in the United States. We want a regulatory framework that’s transparent for developers, investors, and potential consumers as people try to prove a use case. And finally, we want to make sure the people have full transparency of that.

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