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Curious about what’s the optimal restaking period for you to m | Zilliqa Announcement

Curious about what’s the optimal restaking period for you to maximise your returns on staked $ZIL?

Check out this article by our community member Kamran on our educational portal!

Here are some key takeaways from the article
- If you stake less than 3,662 $ZIL claiming more than once a year results in a loss (due to fees)

- Claiming in random intervals (i.e. 7 or 30days) vs optimised periods (i.e. daily) results in a huge difference w large amounts(16mil in the example)

- For around 1M $ZIL the optimum claim and restake cycle is at 7 days giving you the max returns

- Optimise your claiming schedules if your goal is to accumulate more $gZIL
This is just the condensed version of what the article states, to get a better understanding of how these calculations come about and the assumptions made, we suggest you read the article. The article is definitely insightful and will help you in deciding on when to compound for you to optimise your $ZIL and $gZIL gains!