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Nigeria Strikes Back: Binance Accusations Called Out as Smoke | Bitcoin Industry

Nigeria Strikes Back: Binance Accusations Called Out as Smoke and Mirrors

Nigeria isn't taking Binance's bribery claims lying down. The country's Ministry of Information has hit back, dismissing the allegations as a diversionary tactic. They're calling for a proper investigation, not a media circus.

Binance CEO Richard Teng pointed fingers at Nigerian officials, claiming they demanded a whopping $150 million in crypto to make their problems disappear. But the ministry's spokesman, Rabiu Ibrahim, says this accusation has zero credibility.

It seems the Nigerian government is tired of the fictional tales and wants Binance to face the music. No more secret deals or mudslinging – just a fair shake in court.

Meanwhile, Binance employees allegedly faced threats and secret offers after a meeting with Nigeria's House Committee on Financial Crimes. The situation is getting murkier by the minute.

This all started when two Binance execs got caught up in Nigeria's regulatory storm. Detained without explanation, they now face serious charges. And to add insult to injury, access to Binance has been blocked by order of the government.

With Nigeria grappling with financial woes, it seems they're pointing fingers at crypto as part of the problem. But will this push against Binance help or hurt their cause? Only time will tell.