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I will tell you just one thing about China so you can relax. | Blockchain Whispers ® Official (By D Man) -- The Most Amazing Crypto Channel Ever Created By Mankind!

I will tell you just one thing about China so you can relax.

MOST of the bitcoin interest, and crypto interest comes from their GREY economy.

No, not illegal kids-killing, puppy-kicking people…

But as you know or don’t know Chinese government is very controlling - it’s communist in its true form and government makes life for you.

In other words, it isn’t capitalist.

I will not get into what’s better, personally, I like to make my own choices for myself and have a fair playing field.

So what happens is some people succeed in making good businesses in China, but their money is not fully their own. So they use crypto to take it out of China.

The most hurtful thing is, because during the last 1-2 year limb, those people identified themselves to the government and now they will be under bigger attention than ever.

The BIGGEST money moving from China never happened on exchanges anyway, it did, and now it will even more continue happening OTC.

In short, this China banning crypto news… hey crypto survived being banned all around… that news is like maybe 10% of the impact of what you think should be. It’s already 1) exhausted (all the time china fud) 2) resillient (crypto survived worse from china 3) affecting smallest wallets (big wallets that move money in and out, will continue doing so with their previously established routes.

I wish luck to all crypto people of China… it’s not easy to be in your position now. But some creativity, and wisdom… and who knows, maybe you can find a (legal) way to do it

Bullish from here as per my big badass drawing from 20th September. Cheers!

D Man