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Basically, people like to: imagine, blow up when scared the pr | Blockchain Whispers ® Official (By D Man) -- The Most Amazing Crypto Channel Ever Created By Mankind!

Basically, people like to: imagine, blow up when scared the proportions, and be scared when not understanding.

I analyzed it deeply, and the more I understood the more comfortable I became knowing that SVIB is an EXCEPTIONAL case.

Yes, more banks will follow with the problems, but not because of the SVIB and not necessarily now... but in the coming months and quarters because the FED policy hikes etc is putting strain on the weakest links of the economic chain.

Why so confident?

Well, because you see the structure of the problem of SVIB doesn't apply to most banks.

First, after deep analysis, I can conclude SVIB management was deeply either unprofessional or uneducated or un-giving-a-fuck (if that's a word)...

Things that lead me to believe this:
- they issued bonuses to the staff and themselves as the last thing before bankrupcy. Shame on you motherfuckers, you ruined the bank and you worry about your bonuses instead of handing your last salary as: "we are sorry depositors"... so this is important not as bonuses, but as it shows how much they cared about the people who trusted them with the bank.

Now the actual lack of skill, knowledge and care:
- they didn't hedge.

Professional banks hedge their positions, their risk, they do it well. SVIB did a poorly job here. This is number one problem. You won't find it anywhere I believe identified like this as it takes a bit deeper dive. It is number one problem.

Number two problem with SVIB that also serves as a proof that because of SVIB other banks will NOT follow is deposits STRUCTURE:

SVIB had much less retail money in vs standard banks. And thus when they wanted to write off their invested t-bonds positions... the next day 42 billion was withdrawn.

Retail would never do it as organized and as fast. Basically retail depositors are ideal customer for any bank. Like they are in crypto... aka 'the perfect sucker'. SVIB had incredibly few retail depositors, like 10x less than other banks.

And I didn't go deep in it as it isn't consequential, but I think by the US law, the retail deposits must be insured. What I did verify is that most deposits SVIB had were NOT insured... duuh, obviously..

ok, this is it regarding SVIB.

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