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People, again, tend to overcatch the narrative, especially lat | Blockchain Whispers ® Official (By D Man) -- The Most Amazing Crypto Channel Ever Created By Mankind!

People, again, tend to overcatch the narrative, especially lately, on the internet... I mean if they can put some pronouns in their bio explaining that they are not "it" for fuck sake, imagine what they do when they see everyone talking about the "big banking collapse"


And 30 days is more than enough for this entire big drama to unfold and for people to go back to blaming Putin or Trump or whatever the current thing is.

Signature bank was regulatory shit. Nothing to discuss here. Depositors lost nothing.

Now Credit Suisse bank, the swiss fuckers... had bad management for ages, and it was known. Saudis gave nice diplomatic explanation over regulations they don't want to invest in it more... but it's as bullshit as is the story of US drone being caught by Russian aircraft by inexperience of a pilot... com'on. But yes, I learned already, people are stupid, and they ARE buying these stories... and this time, for better... as neither me nor you nor anyone intelligent wants the shit to escalate over US provoking near Russia territory and Russia responding when they shouldn't in very volatile times.

What were we talking about?

Ah yes, Credit Suisse...

I didn't sleep since yesterday analyzing this so I lose a bit of track... I'll go sleep after this. I want to share with you.

So, what will likely happen with them, they will break into setions - Swiss section, saved by the Swiss National bank, and the international section which will be sold out/dismantled/restructured...

Wait, I talked about Saudis, yes... so the real reason was Saudis were telling the management for a while that they won't be backing it anymore if it continues in such bad management trend, but nothing was changing, and it was cutting the exposure for saudis after what 600 bln or something exposed. Crazy amount.

Okay, there you have it. Now you're the smartest guy on twitter and in your local bar. But don't mean this gets you approval. Usually it's not too easy to be smart too much ahead of time... it goes against the 'current thing'.

Anyway, you know it now, do with it what you want.

Now the short term signal... ohoo... did he mention signal?

Yes, but not for btc and not for crypto but for spx.