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Hey everyone! With massive price action across many of our pro | Fair Launch Calls

Hey everyone! With massive price action across many of our projects over the past week (and no new launches for quite a while!), we're putting together a quick update post letting you know where everything stands in the FLC world at the moment.

FLC Team Staffing
Unfortunately, we need to open on a down note. Recently we made the decision to expand FLC's internal team to assist us in getting back up to speed on rapid project launches while still having time available to look after our existing ones during their handoff period.

In hiring too fast we unfortunately didn't find the best mix for FLC. While we met some great people through this pilot, we ultimately created more work than we saved on. Moving forward, we're going to be a lot more deliberate/slower in our internal team hiring processes. With this in mind though, some of our internal staff members are being offered places on existing FLC projects as community leads, alongside an offer in receiving a dev/marketing share to work with.

While we're working amicably with these staff members to find them new places within the FLC community, this offer is not being extended to one particular staff member who responded to this news with threats of fud-attacks, and a demand for $12k in "severance pay" for one unworked week. Thankfully, we've been hit with fud attacks so often now that it's similar to pissing in an ocean full of piss, so we'll opt to reserve that money for our current community teams' marketing & launch budgets :)

Multisig Wallet Handover
Speaking of community marketing budgets! @EuropaTokenBSC, @GanymedeFLC, and @ShibaChocolate have all now got their Multi-sig wallets set up - which will automatically receive sales tax on every transaction on their respective tokens, which can be put back into building their communities through partnerships, marketing, and even Charity events such as in the case of $SHOCO!

We deeply apologise for the delay on getting these ready, but it was a hectic week. As a note of apology on this, $12k in USDC/BUSD will be split evenly between these 3 wallets for you all to start ramping up your marketing campaigns!

More Community Oversight
With us now making dev/marketing wallets available to our communities, we have begun demanding a higher level of oversight/verification from the teams that we onboard in the case where they opt to receive these funds. As an example, we will need to verify wallets and ensure that teams may not be using marketing funds to pump up their liquidity - before potentially dumping on it themselves. While we maintain that ape plays are absolutely ape plays, integrity and honesty is always expected from a Community Lead level.

More Giveaways
We're going to continue running BNB & ETH giveaways on our Twitter at, and keep on expanding our holder bases. We're also welcoming any of our communities to get in touch if they want to run some native token giveaways through our account!

More Big Launches
We love ape plays, but we've a lot of them right now - and that's certainly not to say we're going to stop running them, but we're at a point where it makes sense for us to launch some big long-term projects for people who want to dip their toes into a less risky venture, or simply diversify some of their gains into some fully-supported massive FLC projects.

Way more news coming soon all - sit tight, and keep on the ready for gains. And make sure your notifications are switched on to get in on the action!