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Hey all, Unfortunately we're not posting news on a new launch | Fair Launch Calls

Hey all,

Unfortunately we're not posting news on a new launch, but we're making this post to shine a light on a very likely rug which has stolen approximately $400,000 in investor funds; and if it's not a rug, it's a show of incredible incompetence which should have you keeping your hard-earned matic very far away from them.

@poly_monsters are currently running a pre-sale, with a launch scheduled for 2 days time. The originally promised launch price was set at 0.95 matic per token, with a pre-sale price range scaling from 0.5 matic per token, up to 0.9 matic per token.

Unfortunately that is a red flag in itself; launching at a higher-than-presale price (almost 2x for early buyers!) means that there will be an instant dump out of the gates. Why farm if you've already got the 2x, and you know that the pool certainly doesn't have enough matic for everyone to take that 2x from?

Thankfully, either a pre-planned "technical mishap" (or incompetence) prevented this price from happening to begin with: as the basic security requirement of having a whitelist on the token wasn't in place for presale buyers, someone already set up the liquidity pool pairing with a ratio of 1 token : 0.2 matic. Or, a -60% loss for anyone who invested.

When the developers & moderators were asked about these glaring security flaws and the fact that their token is already pegged to -60% losses pre-launch, their response was to ban any users mentioning it, along with all mentions of what are either exploits which the developers mistakenly did not protect against; or, are maliciously using to rug their own community of 800+ holders.

The liquidity was added by the following wallet, shortly after the presale opened - over 9 days ago:

DYOR and stay safe all. We're working hard on new, substantial plays for those of you getting itchy FOMO triggers. Always be sure to examine what you're buying in to - if it sounds too good to be true, it likely is.

And trust is, we know how easy it is to get fooled by this stuff - nobody's immune from FOMO'ing in on bad contracts. The entire point of FLC was to create a safe space for apes to FOMO in on everything from community projects/charity plays, to total degen/ape plays. You might get out-traded, but you at least never have to fear a malicious dev team.

And to show we're not lying - we can say that with certainty that we know everyone can be fooled, as our own staff just got being banned for asking one of their moderators about this security exploit.. and we collectively make up some of the largest buyers on the pre-sale

Nobody's immune but hey, we'll consider this a bullet we threw ourselves on for all of you - be sure to avoid @poly_monsters unless you like parting ways with your money!